It take a soul to love a prairie.

Dwi & Mel at Baluran, East Java

Anyone can love the mountains, but it takes a soul to love the prairie. The vast expanse of the prairie, with its rolling grasslands stretching as far as the eye can see, captures the essence of simplicity and resilience. It is a landscape that whispers tales of endurance in the face of both gentle breezes and fierce storms. The love for the prairie is a connection to the subtle beauty that unfolds in the sway of the tall grasses, the dance of wildflowers in the wind, and the endless horizon that seems to touch the edges of eternity.

Dwi and Mel, kindred spirits enamored by the allure of the prairie, found themselves immersed in the untamed beauty of Baluran National Park. As they wandered hand in hand through the golden sea of grass, the rhythmic rustle of the wind echoed the poetry of their shared journey.

In the symphony of life, thou art the sweetest note.

. Every laugh, every tear—etched into timeless snapshots.

A love story in frames.


Love resonates


Song of Rain